Photographer: Forrest Mankins
Director | Photographer: Aundre Larrow
The mission of Project Unloaded is to create a new cultural narrative that guns make us less safe.
It’s simple – the evidence shows that guns make us less safe. Firearms are the leading cause of death for children and teens in America, yet 75% of young people believe the myth that the presence of a gun makes them safer. A majority of young people say they are open to buying a gun in the future – but the facts clearly show that more guns only lead to more gun violence. Project Unloaded is changing gun culture by empowering young people to make a data-backed decision to keep themselves and their loved ones safe from gun violence.
Photographer | Director: Meron Menghistab
Photographer: Lisa Weatherbee
Awarded a grant through the Adobe Stock Artist Development Fund program. The Mom Project is the result of this grant - a diverse body of work created in celebration of the love, the work and the journey of motherhood, and all of the ways that there are to be a mom.
Photographer: Meghan Marin
Cast of HBO’s Betty - Skate Kitchen for Wonderland
Director | Photographer: Isaac Johnston